Composer INC.

About Composer INC.

What does INC. stand for? It stands for Inclusivity, creating space for those who have historically been underrepresented on the traditional concert stage. 

Secondly, it stands for Incubator - a safe space that will allow you the opportunity to explore your compositional voice in a professional and supportive environment. 

Over the course of Composer INC., participants will work individually with an acclaimed composer mentor over a period of six months, participate in professional development sessions with industry professionals, and workshop their Incubator piece with a supportive professional ensemble.

Our ultimate goal for the outcome of the program is for each participant to find and express their authentic voice as a composer, benefit from the real-world experience of their mentors, gain valuable and practical professional development tools, and come away with quality materials and recordings to add to their professional portfolio. This program will culminate in a Composer Showcase performance on June 20th, 2024 at the Orpheum Annex in Vancouver, BC, featuring pieces created within the Composer INC. programs, performed by members of the Allegra Chamber Orchestra and conducted by Janna Sailor.

2024 Composers


Past Participants